Click on the FAQ for the answer. If you do not see your question here, use the "contact us" form to submit a question.

+ Who do I contact when I first move in?

After closing on your new home, contact Lieberman Management at Or fill out the "contact us" form on this website. After contacting Lieberman Management regarding the closing of your home, you will be contacted by the property manager. Account information, transfer of ownership, questions regarding the property, etc. can be addressed at this time.

+ Who is the property manager for The Town of Fort Sheridan? How do I contact them?

Lieberman Management is the managing agent for the TFSMHA (Town of Fort Sheridan Master Homeowner Assn) – contact us at with any questions or concerns regarding the Town of Fort Sheridan (TFS). Or you can use the "contact us" form on this website.

+ What paperwork is required by the Master Assn to transfer the property to me?

A settlement statement from closing will be required to start the transfer of ownership. After transfer of ownership is initiated, a welcome packet will be mailed to you. The packet includes information and instructions on completing the transfer of ownership process.

+ Where can I access my account information or other documents relating to the Master Assn?

eSTAR is an interactive web site that will enable you to obtain information about your individual account and the Town of Fort Sheridan MHA, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. eSTAR also contains all governing documents, board minutes, newsletters, budgets, rules and regulations, property mailings & announcements, architectural & landscape applications, and approved planting materials. Registration is limited to current residents, please contact us for registration information and sign-in instructions.

+ Do I need to get any landscape and/or architecture changes approved by the Master Assn? If so, how do I go about it?

• Under the terms of the MHA Declaration all owners must obtain approval from the MHA for proposed architectural & landscape plans (and subsequent additions to previously approved plans) prior to installation.

• The Architectural & Landscape application, approved plant list, and Exterior Modification & Maintenance Requirements (EMMR) may be obtained through eSTAR or by contacting the property manager.

• The Architectural & Landscape application as well as the EMMR notes the specific application & submission requirements.

• After a fully completed application and plan are submitted, the plan is reviewed by the Joint Architect and Landscape Commission (JALC). JALC approved plans are then submitted to the MHA for review and approval. MHA review and approval of plans is conducted during the MHA Board meetings.

• The approval process may take 4-6 weeks, please plan accordingly when submitting an application.

+ What is Landmarks Illinois? Why did I get a letter from them?

• Landmarks Illinois (LI) holds a Scenic, Open Space and Architectural Façade Easement (Easement) on all properties at Fort Sheridan. This Easement is stamped on the title of every property within Fort Sheridan, historic and new development.

• In accordance with this Easement, LI conducts a periodic inspection of all historic buildings on the property. This inspection helps identify maintenance issues in addition to monitoring the owner’s responsibility to preserve the protected elements of the historic properties.

• After the yearly inspections are completed, letters are sent to all historic property owners with a report noting maintenance items that will need to be addressed/repaired prior to December 1 of that year. Correcting problems now helps ensure the long life of our historic properties.

+ I live near a ravine. Is there anything special I should know?

• It is unlawful for any person to deposit litter and/or refuse on ravine property and is subject to fines/penalties being imposed by both the City as well as the MHA. . If you have a landscape service, it is your responsibility to make them aware that dumping of materials in the area is a violation.

• The Association Declaration has specific rules regarding buffer zones near the ravines; no structures, retaining walls, play equipment, irrigation, lighting, etc. may be erected or placed in any buffer zone area. Buffer zones are not to be mowed, and all plantings are to be approved native plants per the Associations approved buffer zone plant list. Buffer zones are listed on the deed for your individual property.

• The MHA conducts yearly “buffer walks” to ensure that the required buffer areas for all properties along the ravines are present.

• Detailed information about the do’s and don’ts of maintaining upland buffers areas next to the ravines can be found on Openlands’ website.

+ I don't see any signs in Fort Sheridan. Are there rules regarding signs?

• Signs are prohibited on private property in Fort Sheridan, except for the following:

  1. One “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign may be placed in one window of a private residence.
  2. On the day of an open house, one sign may be placed on the property of the open house.
  3. Signs notifying that a residence is protected by a security alarm is allowed if it is placed as close to the foundation as possible.

• Signs are prohibited in Natural Reserve areas, Private Lot Maintenance Areas (PLMA), and Homeowner Association property (including common area lots, and off-site maintenance areas).

• Political signs are prohibited in Fort Sheridan.